lately the world has been going crazy over this new strain of flu called the swine flu. i mean to me it is just the regular flu but to some it is a nightmare they can"t wake up from, but what is this flu about anyway? they say this "swine flu" is caused by influenza strain called H1N1 and can be passed by touching, kissing,and especially airborne. they say to make sure your washing your hands as much as possible. what i want to know is this just another scare or do we have to take some big steps to controlling this and if so they should tell us now. the biggest scare i have about this right now is that in my moms job they found one case of the swine flu. with this being know they still have the building opened which can be harmful but because people don't know what to do they continue to go along with there everyday life and because of that i think there nothing to worry about and don't panic this is just the regular flu.
Honestly, this Swine Flu scares me. It's a shame it has taken so many lives. Its one thing to have it happening in Mexico, but now it's in the states. Are we at risk?